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开关电源的EMI infineon AN资料

  • 名称:开关电源的EMI infineon AN资料 下载
  • 类型:电源技术
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:05-04
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:906
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:379 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级
《开关电源的EMI infineon AN资料》简介

标签:电源技术资料下载, 本站提供开关电源的EMI infineon AN资料免费下载,http://www.5idzw.com
本应用指南讨论了各方面的电磁干扰( EMI ) 排放在开关模式电源( SMPS ) 。简短地概括了积极 条例在选定的区域和一个例子进行测量 百代唱片将得到。一些有影响力的相关因素的MOSFET的电磁干扰的开关电源 将实验研究。不同的操作模式的反激变换器 (硬开关和准谐振)将讨论有关其影响 电气噪声的产生。一般设计准则将得到。

1. Abstract
 This application note discusses the aspects of ElectroMagnetic Interference (EMI)
 emission in switch-mode power supplies (SMPS). A short overview of the active
 regulations in selected regions and an example of the measurement of conducted
 EMI will be given. Several MOSFET related factors influential on the EMI in SMPS
 will be investigated experimentally. Different operating modes of a flyback converter
 (hard switching and quasi resonant) will be discussed regarding their influence on the


 electrical noise generation. General design guidelines will be given.
 2. Basics of EMI
 ElectroMagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of an electrical installation to work
 properly in an electromagnetically polluted environment as well as not to disturb other
 electrical devices due to the emission oft electromagnetic interferences. It means that
 the electrical devices don’t influence themselves and one another, e.g. via the
 common ground of control- and power circuits.
 Electromagnetic interference is generated by a varying electric or magnetic field. It is
 transmitted by means of conductive, inductive or capacitive coupling, through free
 space or a combination of these means. It can be measured as conducted or
 radiated interferences. This application note will focus mainly on conducted
 Conducted interferences can be distinguished into asymmetrical and symmetrical in-


 terferences, common and differential mode respectively. The differential mode cur-
 rent only flows at the connecting line. The common mode circuit is closed across
 parasitic capacitors C to the earth ground and the connecting lines. The interference
 sink can be the main or another device connected with the source. Fig. 1 shows both
 Fig. 1 Conducted interference mechanism
 Periodical rectangle functions in time domain generate a discrete line spectrum de-
 creasing with 20 dB per decade in the frequency domain. The spectral lines are mul-
 tiples of the basic frequency (Fig. 2 a and c).
 Real waveforms of power switch cycles with turn on (τ ) and turn off times (τ ) are
 r f
 trapezoidal.,大小:379 KB