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如何输入自己的可编程模拟电路摘要:只有为数不多的公司在模拟IC 中提供拓扑可编程性,其中最著名的公司有Zetex 公司、Lattice半导体公司和Anadigm 公司。这些IC 提供可编程连接性以及对模拟信号处理资源的参数控制,....模拟数字
Skew specifications are like any other ACelectrical specification. The measurementsare taken at certain conditions which may or,more likely, may not match a specificcondition in a system application. ....模拟数字
Thermal characteristics of integrated circuitpackages have been and increasingly will bea major consideration to both producers andusers of electronics products. This isbecause an increase in junction....模拟数字
Ground and VCC Bounce of High-Speed Integrated CircuitsThe purpose of this paper is to give a generaldes cription of what ground and VCC bounceare, why it is they are tested, and a detailedde ....模拟数字
INTRODUCTIONThe Philips Semiconductors 74F50XXX series of products havebeen designed to resolve synchronization problems and at the sametime produce complementary metastable/immune outputs withremarka....模拟数字
When using a latch or flip-flop in normal circumstances (i.e., whenthe device’s setup and hold times are not being violated), theoutputs will respond to a latch enable or clock pulse within somespeci....模拟数字
Under contract with Signetics, Mr. Thomas J. Chaney of WashingtonUniversity, St. Louis tested a set of nineteen 74F786 samples(packages) to determine the metastable state recovery statistics forthe ci....模拟数字
The need for more powerful and faster systems gave birth tomultiprocessing and multi-tasking systems. But to achieve this, costand reliability were not to be sacrificed. To reduce cost it is vital tos....模拟数字
The Philips Semiconductors 74F “Light Load” product line is a highperformance, TTL bus compatible series of very low input biascurrent (±20mA), buffer/driver, transceiver, register, multiplexer and....模拟数字
The 74F Extended Octal-Plus Family incorporates all of the latestPhilips Semiconductors octal, 9-bit and 10-bit buffer, transceiver,latch and register functions. all devices in this family utilize the....模拟数字
A circuits become faster, more concern needs to be focused onpackaging and interconnects in order to fully utilize deviceperformance. One area of concern is with the package leadsbetween the chip and ....模拟数字
The Philips Semiconductors Logic Product Group (LPG) operates aCharacterization Laboratory in Albuquerque, New Mexico. This Labmaintains the capability of testing the 11 logic product families theGrou....模拟数字
Several devices in the SigmaDSP® family include general-purpose input/ output (GPIO) pins. These pins can be connected to external hardware elements, such as LEDs, push-buttons, or rotary encoders....模拟数字
The boards also have provisions for edge-mounted SMA connectors, which simplify testing and integration. The input of the filter can be driven either single-ended or differentially.The active filter e....模拟数字
低功耗、3V工作电压、精度0.05% 的A/D变换器:1 中的ADC 电路简单、体积小,无需负电源和昂贵的精密元件,消耗极低的电源电流(仅10μA)。一次A/D转换包括12000次比较,转换时间约300毫秒。电路工作过程如下:每一次....模拟数字
自七十年代中期以来,模数转换器(ADC)的结构与集成工艺有了较大进展,性能得到较大改善,其中包括:高转换速率、高分辨率、低失真以及开关电容输入结构、单电源工作等。从而使设计人员在为特定的ADC 选择驱动放大器....模拟数字
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